Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Nepal Conservation Research and Training Center (NCRTC)

The Nepal Conservation Research and Training Center (NCRTC) was established on the outskirts of the Royal Chitwan National Park at Sauraha in 1989. The Center was originally created with the objectives of natural resource conservation, applied research on the ecology of both flora and fauna and the development of human resources, through in-country training, in wildlife techniques, community participation techniques, community forestry, conservation education, nature guide and hotel management. Over the years, the Center has adopted a holistic approach with more emphasis on community-oriented programmes. In addition to wildlife research and training, the Center is involved in the areas of wildlife habitat extension and improvement, buffer zone management, community forestry, community development, women development and micro-enterprises development.

NCRTC Activities:
Scientific study of natural flora and fauna is essential for the development of proper management plans for biodiversity conservation. Since the beginning, KMTNC has been involved in and is supporting various scientific research studies on wild animals and plants both within and outside the protected areas of Nepal.
The major scientific research and monitoring activities are as follows:
Tiger Census
Rhino Monitoring/ Rhino Poaching Database
Bird Monitoring
Ungulate Monitoring
Vegetation Survey
Tourism Survey
Socioeconomic Survey
The second important focus of NCRTC is to provide in-country training opportunities for park personnel and conservation workers.
NCRTC has been providing training in various fields, such as:
Wildlife Techniques, Community Participation Techniques and Community Forestry Training for Parks, Wardens, Rangers and Game Scouts.
Conservation Education Training for Army Officers working in Parks and Wildlife Reserves.
Nature Guide Training for locals working in hotels and lodges on the fringes of RCNP.
Hotel management training for hotel and lodge owners from in and around the protected areas.
Basic Wildlife Field Techniques course for Certificate Level forestry students.
Ecological Research and Field Techniques courses for the graduate and Master students of Tribhuvan University and Institute of Forestry. Besides these, NCRTC also conducts some unstructured training programs.
Conservation and development should be complementary to each other. NCRTC believes that conservation efforts will not succeed without addressing basic human needs. Thus, the Center has been involved in many sustainable community development programmes aimed at raising conservation awareness among local communities adjacent to the RCNP and also fostering local guardianship in biodiversity conservation and habitat management of endangered species.
Some of the activities in which NCRTC works together with the active participation of the local people are:
Conservation Awareness Program
Habitat Extension and Improvement Program
Community Forestry Program
Micro-enterprise Activities
River Embankment Program
Women’s Development Program
Vegetable Cooperatives Program
Conservation Education and School Support Program
Health Support Program

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